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Writing rules


Academic studies written in Turkish and English are accepted for mediarts. Translation works can also be found in each issue, determined or chosen by the editors or editorial board. In addition, articles such as work reviews with 1500 - 3500 words, book introductions or meeting / gallery / exhibition / festival reviews, interviews can also be included. Articles should be between 3500 - 8500 words including references. Explanatory notes should be numbered in the text and placed as footnotes at the bottom of the relevant page.

Each study should include a 150-200-word abstract in Turkish and English (minimum three, at most six, and key words written in lowercase letters, including proper names). Except for letters to the editor, book reviews and interviews, Turkish article formatted texts must have an extended abstract in English, with a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 750 words. Studies should be saved in a word processor with a .docx extension by taking the format bearing that can be accessed by clicking here from mediarts. As can be seen in the format in the works, Calibri Light font should be used, the main headings should be written in 11 pt. Bold, the intertitles should be in 10 pt. Bold, and the body text should be 10 pt. The line spacing to be used should be prepared with 1.15 line spacing (6 pt before and after), except for direct block citations, visual aids and footnotes to the text. 8 pt and 1 line spacing (0 pt before and after) should be used in direct block citations, visual aids to the text and footnotes.


While writing the names of those mentioned in the works, the abstract, extended abstract and body should be used separately for the first time in each of the text, and the name and surname should be written together for all subsequent uses, only the last name should be written. The same is true for references to visual and audio texts such as cinema, TV series, music, and photographs. Accordingly, the texts of the mentioned type should be written separately in each of the abstract, extended abstract and body text according to the reference rules in the first use, and only in italics for the next usage.


In case of a contrary situation as a result of the preliminary examination by the editors, the studies are returned to the authors. In this case, the authors are required to make the necessary corrections in line with the findings made by the editors and resubmit their work. The work of the authors who do not make the requested corrections within the specified time will be rejected.


Authors are required to prepare their academic studies in accordance with ethical rules and submit their program reports by passing them through similarity (plagiarism analysis) programs before sending them to our journal.


Authors should write their names and titles completely, check that the titles of their works are written with only the first letters of the words in the title capital, and they should definitely add the Turkish title and abstract in addition to the Turkish title and essence, even if the key words contain a special name, precisely. It should pay attention to the rule that it should be written in lower case.


The authors of the studies whose referee process has been completed are required to fill in, sign and scan and submit the relevant documents regarding their permission to be published in our journal.


The copyright of the works deemed suitable for publication by the Editorial Board belongs to mediarts, they cannot be published elsewhere. Authors are not paid royalty fees.




In-text reference and bibliography editing rules


Authors who will send their work to mediarts with a request to evaluate their work must comply with certain bibliographic rules that they can access via the format prepared by our editors. In the works published in mediarts, in-text reference, quotation and bibliography should be made in accordance with the following form in which APA rules have been adapted to Turkish by the decision of the Editorial Board and as in the examples.



In-text reference


• When a general reference is in question and when you want to refer to the whole of the source, it is sufficient to write the year of the author and the source: (Özön, 2013).


• If the source is quoted from a specific page or if the writings are taken from a certain part of the source, the source should be written with the page as follows: (Özön, 2013, p. 79).


• If the referenced text has between three and five authors, the surnames of all authors should be written while the first reference is made: (Kaya, Atılgan, & Solmaz, 1995). In later references, it is sufficient to write only the surname of the first author as in the following example: (Kaya et al., 1995). If the number of authors is six or more, only the first author's surname should be written in the first use, and the others should be written as "et al." It should be abbreviated as: (Altun et al., 2010).


• The names of all movies, books, magazines, newspapers, TV programs and works of art should be written in italics in the text. When movie titles are first used, if the name of the director is not mentioned in the text, first the director and then the year should be written in parentheses: Reservoir Dogs (Reservoir Dogs, Quentin Tarantino, 1992), Scorpion Journey (Ömer Kavur, 1997). If necessary, the following information may also be included: The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, Warner Bros, USA, 1945).


• Dictionary item representation in the text should be in the form of (“Item Name”, Date): (“Mardin Melek Cinema”, 2015).


• All personal communications made by e-mail, telephone or face to face should be displayed in the text. Example: Nadine Labaki (personal communication, 6 March 2019) or (Nadine Labaki, personal communication, 6 March 2019). These interviews are not included in the Bibliography.


• If the original dates of classical works are known, they should be written as in the following example: (Freud, the date of the original work / the date of the used work), (Freud, 1930/1998).


• If the author has reached the main source that he cited in the text through another author (in other words, if he uses a secondary source), the reference should be given as follows: (as cited in Kazancı, 2013, p. 29) or (as cited in Parsons Aktay, 1995, p. 105).


• Direct quotations longer than 40 words in the text should be 2 cm from left and right. inside, with 1 line spacing, 10 font size and without quotation marks. When quoting directly from the original source, the extracted word (s) and / or sentence (s) should be shown in square brackets with three dots […]. Double quotation marks are used in direct quotations of less than 40 words in the text. In the quotation marks within double quotation marks, a single quotation mark must be used in case a word or word string that is desired to be emphasized by using quotation marks is included.



Preparation of bibliography


• Books, magazines, internet resources and all other sources should be written in alphabetical order without any discrimination.


• The works of an author with the same date should be written in the bibliography and in the text as in the following example: (Atasay, 2001a) and (Atasay, 2001b).


• If there are many works of the same author in the bibliography, all the source works should be written from old to new date.


• For references that do not have a year, four underscores (____) should be used.


• If the original dates of classical works (for example works by authors such as Smith, Hobbes) are known, the end of the bibliography should be added as in the following example: (The original work is dated 1744).


• At the end of the source, while indicating the publisher from which the source used is published, “publishing house”, “publications”, “books” and other jewelry should not be added. Example: Istanbul: Metis or London: Routledge.


• If electronic resources are available, DOI (digital object identifiers) numbers should be written. If there is no DOI number in electronic resources, the URL should be used: (http: // www…). Hyperlinks in URLs must be removed.



Sample bibliography writing


• Book with a single author

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Work (Number of Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Abisel, N. (2010). Silent Cinema (4th Edition). Ankara: Say Ki.
Zizek, S. (2009). The Matrix: Or The Two Faces of Heresy (1st Edition) (Translated by B. Turan). Istanbul: Encore.


• Multi-author book

First Author's Last Name, First Letter of Name., Second Author's Last Name, First Letter of Name.,… And Last Author's Last Name, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Work (Number of Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Eco, U., Martini, CM, Proctor, M., & Cox, H. (2012). Belief or Nonbelief? A confrontation (1st Edition). New York: Skyhorse.


• Compilation book

Editor's Last Name, First Letter of Name. (Ed.). (Year of Publication). Title of the Work (Number of Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Bottomore, T., & Nisbet R. (Eds.). (2002). History of Sociological Analysis (1st Edition) (Trans. A. Uğur and M. Tuncay). Ankara: Brace.


Translation book

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Name of the Work (How Many Edition) (Translated. First Letter of Translator's Name. Translator's Surname). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Corrigan, T. (2015). Film Criticism (4th Edition) (Trans. A. Gürata). Ankara: Footnote.


• Institution book

Name of the Institution. (Year of Publication). Title of the Work (Number of Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.

TÜBİTAK. (2002). Scientific Publishing in the 21st Century: Goals and Approaches (1st Edition). Ankara: TÜBİTAK.


• Book with an unknown author

Name of the Work (Number of Edition, Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.
The Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition, 2010). Chicago: University of Chicago.


Hardcover book

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Work (Number of Edition). Volume Number. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Pflanze, O. (1990). Bismarck and The Development of Germany: The Period of Fortification 1880-1898 (1st Edition). Volume 3. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.


• If more than one volume of the bound book is used

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of First Volume-Publication Year of Last Volume). Name of the Work (Number of Edition, First Volume-Last Volume, Translator, if any, First Letter of Translator's Name. Translator's Surname). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Pflanze, O. (1990). Bismarck and The Development of Germany . (1st Edition, Vol 1-3). NJ: Princeton University.


• Chapter / article in edited books and proceedings

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Section / Article Name. Initial Letter of Editor's Name. Surname (Ed.), Name of the Work (Number of Editions) (p. Page Numbers of Chapter / Article). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Kejanlıoğlu, B. (2005). The Concept of Public Sphere in Media Studies. M. Özbek (Ed.), Public Domain (1st Edition) (p. 689-713). Istanbul: Hil.


• Translation chapter / article in a compilation book

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Section / Article Name (Translated. First Letter of Translator's Name. Translator's Surname). Initial Letter of Editor's Name. Editor's Surname (Ed.), Name of the Work (How Many Edition) (p. Page Numbers of Section / Article). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Moritz, W. (2003). Animation (Trans. A. Fethi). G. Nowell-Smith (Ed.), World Cinema History (1st Edition) (pp. 312-321). Istanbul: Kabalcı.


• A single-author article published in an academic journal

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Article Name. Journal Name , Volume Number (if any), Article's Page Numbers.

Aktay, Y. (1999). The Sociological Genealogy of Reason: From Descent Reason to Historical and Social Reason. Society and Science , 82 , 114-140.


• Multiple-author article published in an academic journal

First Author's Last Name, First Letter of Name., Second Author's Last Name, First Letter of Name., […] & Last Author's Last Name, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Article Name. Journal Name , Volume Number (if any), Article's Page Numbers.

Binark, FM, & Çelikcan, P. (1998). Calling the Mahr for Negotiation and the example of Yildo. Culture and Communication , 1 (2), 197-214.


• A translated article published in an academic journal

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Article Name (Translation. First Letter of Translator's Name. Surname). Journal Name, Volume Number (if any), Article's Page Numbers.
Glaser, S. & Keane, H. (2012). Cinema from Common Life to Reality (Trans. E. Oltay). Society and Art , 6 (2), 54-72.


• Articles / news with a certain author published in newspapers and magazines

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year, Day Month). Article / News Title. Newspaper / Journal Name , Volume / Issue Number for the Journal , if any, Page Numbers of the Article / News.

Hızlan, D. (2009, May 12). Wikipedia Accidents. Hürriyet , 18.
Göl, B. (2014, June). We Are Not Him. Subtitle , 140 , 32-35.


• News published in newspapers and magazines with an unknown author

News Name (Year, Day Month). Newspaper / Journal Name , Volume / Issue Number for the Journal , if any, Page Numbers of the Article / News.

Art Meetings Exhibition Held in Mardin (2015, April 19). Milliyet , 4-5.


• Unpublished thesis

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Thesis Name . (Unpublished Master's / Doctorate Thesis). University and Institute Name, City.

Sevgi, A. (2010). Performing at Can Akçakıl Theater . (Unpublished Master Thesis). Mardin Artuklu University Institute of Social Sciences, Mardin.


• Unpublished paper / poster

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Activity Year, Month). Name of the Paper / Poster . … Papers / Poster Presented at the Event, Name of Organization Organizing the Event, Event City, Country.

Source, E. (2016, February). Time and Memory Relationship in Cinema . Paper Presented at the 23rd Middle East Cinema Studies Conference, Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin, Turkey.


• Conversation / interview published in a compilation book or magazine

The display of the article is taken as a basis and the phrase “Conversation / Interview with…” is added after the name of the talk / interview.

Kayhan, K. & Melek, S. (2000, March). I'm from here now. Interview with Çağan Irmak. Seventh Art , 51 , 15-22.

Özmen, R. (1995). Summary of Experiences: The Serencam of Cinema. Interview with Derviş Zaim. A. Alkese (Ed.), Where To Cinema? (pp. 52-68). Ankara: Sign.


• Encyclopedia article

Author's / Editor's Surname, Initial Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Name of Substance. Title of the Work (Volume Number, If Any, Number of Editions, p. Page Number). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Bergmann, PG (1993). Relativity. The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol 26, 1st Edition, pp 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.


• Dictionary article

Substance name. (Year of Publication). Initial Letter of Editor's Name if applicable. Surname (Ed), Name of the Work (Volume Number, If Available, How Many Edition, p. Page Number). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Süreyya Paşa Cinema. (2015). S. Aytaç, Z. Dadak, Ö. Gökçe et al. (Ed), Altyazı's Informal and Illustrated Cinema Dictionary (1st Edition, pp. 194-195). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Mithat Alam Film Center.


• Books with electronic version only

Author's / Editor's Surname, Initial Letter of Name. (Year of Publication if applicable / If not ____). Title of the Work . DOI if applicable: DOI number / URL if not available
Bordwell, D. & Thompson, K. (2013). Christopher Nolan: A Labyrinth of Linkages .


• Electronic version of the printed book (If the printed version and the electronic version are different)

Author's / Editor's Surname, Initial Letter of Name. (Year of Publication if applicable / If not ____). Title of Work [E-book Version]. DOI if applicable: DOI number / URL if not available
John, E. (1995). Independent Film [E-book Version].


• Electronic version of the re-published book (If the printed version and the electronic version are the same)

Author's / Editor's Surname, Initial Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Work (Volume Number, If Any, Number of Editions). If applicable, DOI: DOI number / If not, URL (Original work is dated…)

Strachey, U. (Ed.). (1953). The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Volume 4, Edition 1). (Original work dated 1900)


• Article published in an online academic journal

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year of Publication). Article Name. Journal Name , Volume Number (if any), Article's Page Numbers. DOI if applicable: DOI number / URL if not available

Akyürek, F. (2005). A Modal Proposal for Educational Television Programs. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education , 6 (2), 55-64.


• Articles / news / interviews etc. published in an online newspaper / platform.

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year, Day If There is a Month). Article / News / Interview Name. Newspaper / Platform Name . URL Access Date: Day (in numbers) Month (in text) Year (in numbers)

Özsezer, A. (2003, November 12). Emre Altun and Painting. Morning . Date of Access: March 3, 2015

If there is no author / not specified;

Name of the Newspaper / Platform. (Year, Day If There is a Month). Article / News / Interview Name. URL Access Date: Day (in numbers) Month (in text) Year (in numbers)

Culture & Art News. (2003, July). Sedat Aşık and Modern Art. Date of Access: April 2, 2017


• Articles / news / interviews etc. published in an online / electronic journal.

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year, Day If There is a Month). Article / News / Interview Name. Journal Name , Volume Number for the Journal, if any, and / or Issue Number, if any . URL Access Date: Day (in numbers) Month (in text) Year (in numbers)

Alkara, B. (2009, July). Eclectic Art Debates and the Middle East. Sculpture Magazine . Date of Access: June 1, 2018

If there is no author / not specified;

Journal Name. (Year, Day If There is a Month). Article / News / Interview Name. URL / Page Numbers. Access Date: Day (in numbers) Month (in text) Year (in numbers)

Social Art (2003, July). Thoughts on Malinowski [E-journal]. 85-102. Access Date: March 10, 2005


• Online movie / book review

Author's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Year, Day Month). Name of Criticism [Movie / Book of… Criticism of the Name of the Work ]. Newspaper / Magazine Name . Volume / Issue Number for the Journal, if any. URL
Loach, K. (2004, November 14). All Film Students Should See This Woman's Work [I. Bollain's film Te Doy Mis Ojos / Critique of Take My Eyes]. Guardian . / movie / 2004 / nov / 14


• Film

Director's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Director). (Year of construction). Name of the Movie [Movie]. Country: Studio.

Huston, J. (Director). (1941). The Maltese Falcon [Movie]. USA: Warner.


Music recordings

Composer's Last Name, First Letter of His Name. (Copyright Date). Title of the Track [-if different from the composer- Recorded by…]. Album Name [Recording Type - cassette, cd, vinyl etc.]. Country: Studio. (-If the date of registration is different from the copyright date- Date of Registration)

Taupin, B. (1975). Someone Saved My Life Tonight [Recorded by Elton John]. Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy [CD]. UK: Big Pig Music Limited.


Television series episode

Screenwriter's Last Name, First Letter of Her Name. (Screenwriter) & Director's Last Name, First Letter of Her Name. (Director). (Year of Publication). Department Name [Television Series Episode]. First Letter of the Producer's Name., Last Name (Producer), Name of the Series . Country: Studio.

Egan, D. (Screenplay) & Alexander, J. (Director). (2005). Failure to Communicate [Television Series Episode]. D. Shore (Producer), House . USA: Fox Broadcasting.


• Photograph

Photographer's Surname, First Letter of His Name. (The Year Photograph Was Taken). Photo Title [Photo]. The Place, City, If Exhibited.

Adams, A. (1927). Monolith, the face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park [Photograph]. The Art Institute, Chicago.

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