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Editorial Board Decision


mediarts has left three years behind with the public and scientific environment formed around it. During this period, mediarts has upheld a series of ethical values, especially the insistence on quality academic publishing. At the other end of the pendulum, where upholding values was one end, was the publication of at least five research articles in each issue. mediarts, which is a common academic and artistic production area under the organisation of mediarts workers, but which appears to "belong to the individual" according to the legislation, cannot be favoured by the favouritism shown to publications belonging to institutions, and has decided to periodically publish only one issue a year in autumn against the danger that complying with the quantity-based evaluation system will lead to a loss of quality. In line with this decision taken in order to adhere to the aim of creating a critical discussion area by bringing together different disciplines touching media and art studies on a common plane without being stuck in quantity-based production that forces compromising the adopted values, the seventh issue will not be published in the Spring semester of 2024, and the incoming works will be evaluated for the issue to be published in the Autumn semester.


For the reasons explained, our journal will be published only in autumn from October 2024.


You can send us your works prepared in accordance with our spelling rules via

Kolaj Duyurusu
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